Global Com has a vast amount of experience working with government agencies. We understand the procurement process and we have positioned ourselves as a subcontractor on several prime contracts which allows a contracting officer the ability to procure our services. Often, we can work within the government P-Card limit to quickly handle the smaller MACs (moves, adds, changes) to an agency’s existing infrastructure. As a small business, we also help federal agencies meet their small business contracting goals. We can apply our expertise on all levels of government accredited national security information networks.
Here is an Unclassified list of some of our Government customers:
- US Department of Homeland Security Headquarters (DHS HQ)
- General Services Administration (GSA)
- Joint Service Provider (JSP)
- Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
- US Army Information Technology Agency (ITA)
- US Department of the Treasury
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- US Secret Service (USSS)
- US Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
- US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
- Naval Sea Systems Command
- Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC)
- US Forest Service
- US Department of Commerce
- US Department of Education
- US Department of Energy
- US Department of Agriculture
- US Department of Interior